*Please Note, only the employees working under Prasar Bharati or whose records exists under HRIS can register here.

Employee Registration

Employee Code    
Mobile No.    


1. If you don't have the Employee Code,
Click here to get a Employee Code

2. After getting the EmpCode -> Write an employee code inside the Employee Code's TextBox -> Press Enter on KeyBoard-> then your Mobile number and E-Mail ID get populated automatically -> If You are a valid or unregistered employee, then you are allowed to click on "Register & Get OTP" Button.

3. If you find any discrepancy in the populated mobile number and E-Mail, then you may write us on ddgitpb@prasarbharati.gov.in, email@prasarbharati.gov.in, hris@prasarbharati.gov.in and cc to hris@prasarbharati.gov.in.

4. After the verification of Mobile Number and E-Mail ID via OTP (same OTP will be recived by you on Email and Mobile No), you can create your login password.

5. Only after the successful completion of the above steps, you are allowed to login (Empcode as UserName and Password created by you in step 5).

This Website is Developed & Maintained by : IT Division, Prasar Bharati, New Delhi
यह वेबसाइट सूचना प्रौधोगिकी प्रभाग, प्रसार भारती, नई दिल्ली द्वारा संचालित है। Please send your Feedback / Suggestions to : hris@prasarbharati.gov.in